The Unique Group is proud to support The Empathy Effect
The Empathy Effect started as a 365-day social experiment and is now a rapidly growing worldwide movement.
For the past year, 6 days a week, readers were treated to a true story and powerful image about a group, individual, or idea transforming the world through acts of empathy.
One year and over one-hundred-thousand followers later, the Empathy Effect is calling out to the world.
The Unique Group is so proud to be the creators of the official Empathy Effect #EmpathyPledge pin which symbolizes a promise to practice one act of empathy each day.
100% of proceeds from the first $5,000 of pins sold will be donated to a registered charity associated with the story from the last year with the most likes, comments, and shares.
Until June 20, 2016, click here to like, share, and comment on your favourite story to pay it forward.
We invite you to join The Unique Group in our commitment to bringing more empathy to the world.