Creative packaging design tips
While clean and minimalist packaging is trendy, creative packaging shouldn’t be overlooked. Here you will find 6 easy design tips that will help you to create an impactful packaging design.
A popular design philosophy says “less is more,” sometimes more is more, especially in today’s crowded market.
It’s time to surprise and delight your customers in ways and places you may never have.
Whether you’re a small business with a local market or a global brand competing for shelf space or consider implementing creative graphics or an impactful message on the bottom of a box.

Rocky Mountain Provisions Packaging
The brand Rocky Mountain Provisions did an excellent job connecting with its customers by printing inspirational messages that appeal to its adventurous customers, like “The open road is a beautiful place to those with an open mind.”
Use playful copy to spice up basic instructions for using your products. For example, say something like “open along this line to unlock the magic” rather than instruct consumers to “tear across this line”.
Have fun with the barcode: Again, bring a little magic to the necessary facets of your packaging by designing a playful barcode.
Here are some tips that will help you to create an impactful packaging design:

Hanger Tea
1. Turn heads with creative packaging openings
Come out on top by creating a showstopping top for your packaging.
2. Stay away from the predictable
Try to use graphics and images that aren’t so predictable. Take, for instance, how juice brands typically use fruits on their labels, or how water bottle brands use water droplets. Try to make your packaging stand out by creating original designs, rather than using the same symbols and images used by competitors. A great example of this is the Hanger Tea packaging; Hanger Tea features a tea bag that’s shaped like a white t-shirt hanging on a clothing hanger.
3. Tell your story
Use your packaging to tell your brand’s story and create awareness.

The Butler’s Pantry Packaging
4. Showcase your product
Your customer would love to see your product, do it in a playful and modern way, creating and impact.

Buggybix Packaging
5. Play with the shape
Play with the shape of the packaging to highlight special features of your product.

Xiao Tu Ji Chicken Packaging
6. Keep the mystery
Create a unique packaging design that keeps the mystery of your product, inviting people to take it off the shelve and take a closer look.

Superfly Bottle
The Bottom Line
In 2020 don’t be afraid to push the boundaries and produce unique and unforgettable packaging. At the Unique Group, we are experts in marketing, packaging and design. Want to enhance your packaging in 2020? Give us a call today.