Choose Product Labels That Can Help Fight Climate Change

You need to include labelling for your end consumer on your apparel, footwear, home goods, and many other products. Unfortunately, most labels are not sustainable. They are often made of materials which are by-products of oil use or cannot be biodegraded or recycled, meaning we use fossil fuels to make them, and then they end…

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Inclusivity in Fashion as a Mandatory Narrative

A Brief History of Representation in Fashion In recent years, the inclusivity in fashion has come a long way, and it is worth celebrating. For centuries though, the fashion industry has been underpinned by one single concept of beauty. Inclusivity should be part of our regular narrative – A narrative where diversity is the only…

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Packaging and the Circular Economy

What is the circular economy? According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy is defined as: “A framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design.” The circular economy aims to grow the economy in a sustainable matter. However, the concept of the circular economy pushes beyond the idea of merely using…

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