Flexible Packaging—Drive the Change in Branding through Packaging
The impact of packaging on consumer behaviour has been well-documented. In a recent survey conducted by the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA), not only did 81% of consumers say that they recognize when a product’s packaging changes, but 39% said they make purchases because the packaging was new or different.
Easy storage, no hassle to open, and re-sealable packaging are factors consumers identified as being important to product packaging. In the case of flexible packaging, all of these consumer needs are already matched. And with branding and packaging going hand in hand, switching to flexible packaging is one way of effectively increasing your brand value.
What’s most important to your decision in using flexible packaging is that consumers are willing to pay for the added value. In a separate study, 60% of consumers agreed to this very point. So once you understand that this is something consumers want and that they are willing to pay for it, you understand the practical benefits of flexible packaging as it relates to your brand building efforts.
Flexible Packaging Enhances Brand Value
You know packaging adds value. In fact, 80% of brand owners agreed that packaging influences a brand’s value. The question is how. When looking at the most significant means of product enhancement related to packaging, protecting the product, having the product stand out on shelves, enhancing the image of the brand, and fitting the consumer’s lifestyle are all factors that contribute to the increased value.
Smaller Footprint on the Environment
It’s not possible to stress how important it is today for businesses to do their part in caring for the environment. One huge bonus of the flexible packaging industry is that it is significantly less harmful to the environment than other forms of packaging. As an example, it would take 26 truckloads of glass jars as opposed to one truckload of flexible pouches to transport the same amount of product. That type of discrepancy can’t be ignored.
Flexible Packaging Extends Product Life
Technology has played a part in igniting the flexible packaging market. With food products in particular, the innovation of re-sealable bag technology and other advancements have allowed these products to stay fresher for longer periods of time. This is a benefit to the retailer, but it is especially beneficial to the customer, who gets to enjoy extended product life cycles.
The global flexible packaging market is expected to top $248.0 billion by the year 2020. This is not a small industry. Consumer demand for convenience and sustainability has been the driving forces behind this surging market. This shows how vital flexible packaging has become in the eyes of the consumer. As a brand trying to make its mark, acknowledging this reality and finding ways to improve your branding through flexible packaging is paramount to the success of your business.
The Unique Group is here to help you achieve that success. Flexible packaging manufacturing is a feature we can add to your business to help improve your brand value and increase your bottom line. If you are interested in flexible packaging, you can view our portfolio online or contact The Unique Group today. Plus, you can stay updated on our products by following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
Roberge, D., Flexible Packaging: Designing for the Consumer,” Industrial Packaging, last accessed December 22, 2016; https://www.industrialpackaging.com/blog/flexible-packaging-design-for-the-consumer.
“Brand Value-Marketing/Communication,” Flexible Packaging Industry, last accessed December 22, 2016; https://www.flexpack.org/programs/marketingcommunications/brand-value/.
“Global Flexible Packaging Market Sees Rapid Growth,” Smithers Pira, last accessed December 22, 2016; http://www.smitherspira.com/news/2015/july/global-flexible-packaging-market-sees-rapid-growth.